Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Great Idea - Donate A Boat For Charity Purposes

A Great Idea – Donate A Boat For Charity Purposes

If you or someone you know has a boat sitting around that no longer gets any use or is in a state of disrepair and doesn’t appear to be a priority right now, here is a solution. Donate the boat to BoatAngel and help a good cause while also nabbing yourself a good sized tax write-off. Donating big ticket unused items is a growing trend in the world of charitable offerings.

BoatAngel accepts charity boat donations and arranges to sell them on ebay with the proceeds going towards the distribution of Christian children’s DVDs. BoatAngel distributes these DVDs at no cost (including offering free shipping) to the recipients. In this way, BoatAngel can turn unused items into cash and then funnel that cash into ways to distribute these free DVDs to local charity groups.

One of the great things about BoatAngel is the fact that overhead for the charity is no more that 5% of their funds. That means that for everything donated and sold by BoatAngel, 95% of the funds make their way to the actual charitable program. So, BoatAngel makes great use of each and everyone of the boat donations that come their way. Check out BoatAngel today as a great way to make the world a better place simply by donating an unused item.

1 comment:

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