Friday, August 24, 2007
Whether It's Fuel, Food, or Candles - It's About Doing The Right Thing
It's common knowledge that soybeans are both biodegradable and recognized as an alternative energy source, but did you know that you can also make soy candles from soybeans? Soy candles not only meet the performance and satisfaction standards put in place by ordinary candles, but they exceed these standards as well. The burn time for a soy candle is sometimes three times longer than that of a standard old fashioned candle.
The fragrance that comes from most candles is made up partially from petroleum products, the best soy candles get their scents from vegetable oil based fragrances. There is also less black soot from a soy candle.
Soy candles can be found in natural product stores as well as upscale gift stores. If you are in the market for wholesale soy candles, then that is possible too.
So many gift occasions are met with the giving of candles, they are truly a great item to receive. Won't that person getting the gift feel better knowing that their candle is good for the environment too?
150 Biodiesel Plants In The United States
New Process Purports To Make Biodiesel Even Cheaper To Make
Burning Man - August 27th thru September 3rd
What Is Burning Man?
Every year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, dedicated to self-expression, self-reliance, and art as the center of community. They leave one week later, having left no trace.
Burning Man is scheduled this year for August 27th thru September 3rd.
The Burning Man theme this year is "The Green Man" and has to do with man and his place in or outside of the environment.
Visit the Burning Man website here.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Biodiesel - Save Money & Help The Environment
Biodiesel - Save Money & Help The Environment
By Assaf Katzir
More and more people choose to use biodiesel as their alternative fuel for their diesel vehicle. There are so many reasons and incentives to use biodiesel instead of petrodiesel. The biodiesel is produced from vegetable oil or animal fat. The vegetable oil has to pass a simple chemical process that is called transesterification in order to become biodiesel.
You go to local restaurants and fast food branches, ask to speak with the manager and explain him or her that you would like to have their used vegetable oil before they through it away. Most of the restaurants' managers will be happy to supply it for you since you pick their "garbage". You can provide them the container that they will fill up with the vegetable oil and agree with them when is best to pick it up.
Most of the diesel engines do NOT require any modification in order to use bio-diesel instead of petrodiesel. Only diesel engines that have natural rubber parts instead of synthetic rubber parts cannot use biodiesel, but these engines are not as common as the engines that can use the biodiesel.
Using biodiesel is very cost effective and can save a lot of money. When you make the biodiesel yourself the average saving is more than 50%. Even though that using biodiesel is much more than just saving money, this reason alone is a great incentive to do so. An engine that runs on biodiesel is much healthier so the saving is not just by the biodiesel cost compared to petrodiesel but by the maintenance costs.
The ecological reason of using biodiesel is not less important than saving money. When powering diesel engines with biodiesel, the pollution is reduced significantly. Studies showed that several pollution parameters levels were reduced while using biodiesel as opposed to petrodiesel.
You can save money and help to reduce pollution as well. It is very easy to make biodiesel at home.
Assaf Katzir invites you to learn how to make biodiesel at home and more at
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How To Make Biodiesel
How to Make Biodiesel Fuel
By Andrew Bicknell
Biodiesel fuel is becoming a popular alternative to regular gasoline and diesel that we all buy at the corner gas station. As the price of gas rises our modern society that is so reliant on petroleum products for its energy needs has started to search for alternative ways to fuel our needs. One option is to make biodiesel, an alternative fuel source we can make right in our own backyards.
Biodiesel fuel is made from vegetable oil. That’s right, it the same stuff we all use to cook with everyday. The process to make biodiesel is relatively easy too. The vegetable will need to be run through a biodiesel processor which converts the oil into a fuel that can be used in diesel engines. You will need to check with the manufacturer of your engine to make sure that it will run on biodiesel with out any problems. There are kits available to convert diesel engines that have problems with burning biodiesel.
The nice thing about a biodiesel processor is that it is relatively small, meaning you can set one up in a shed or under an awning in your backyard. There are two ways to go about getting a biodiesel processor. There are numerous internet sites that sale complete biodiesel processor kits or you can build one yourself. Plans for doing so are also available by doing an internet search.
Whether you buy a pre made processor or build one yourself getting set up is not all that complicated. To be sure to read all the instructions and safety pre-cautions before your start to make biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel processing is a type of refining and high temperatures are involved so you need to be careful to avoid the risk of serious burns.
One of the best ways to learn how to make biodiesel fuel is to learn from someone who is already doing it and is familiar with the process and equipment. They can give you all the details involved in making biodiesel and if they let you help make a batch or two you’ll get a good feel for what the process is like and if it is indeed something you would like to do.
While the kits used to make biodiesel can be pricey up front and can cost several thousand dollars for a higher end model it is important to remember that over the life of the processor you will save money as the price of gas continues to rise and you no longer have to join everyone else at the gas pumps.
If you are interested in learning how to make biodiesel fuel and would like to learn more about this alternative fuel source check out this Biodiesel website by clicking here.
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What Is A Biodiesel Plant?
What is a Biodiesel Plant?
By Joseph Then
The idea of using vegetable oil as an alternate fuel source is as old as the diesel engine itself. Until recently, use of petroleum distillate to power diesel engines has been more economical than biodiesel. Decreasing petroleum supplies and increasing demand for fuel has stimulated renewed interest in biodiesel and commercial production of the product began in the United States in the late 1990’s.
Biodiesel is a safe, renewable fuel whose impact on the environment is positive. Unlike the production facilities associated with petroleum-based diesel, the impact of biodiesel facilities on local community and environment they depend on is minimal. Construction and operation of a biodiesel plant has also been shown to confer significant micro-and macro-economic benefits to both commercial and rural sectors.
Increasing commercial manufacture of biodiesel will have a positive impact on macro-economics. In 2006, it was estimated that construction of biodiesel plants and the ongoing operation of these plants would see more than 39,000 permanent jobs created in local communities by 2015. In addition, it was found that production of biodiesel could reduce the United States’ dependence on foreign crude oil imports by 242 million barrels by 2015. This decrease would mean that approximately $13.6 billion dollars would remain in the US economy. It is expected that the biodiesel industry will contribute $627 million into American householders’ pockets over the next decade.
There are also opportunities for tax revenue associated with the commercial production of biodiesel. Industry expansion will generate approximately $8.3 billion dollars of increased tax revenue for the Federal Government and $650 million dollars for state and locate Governments over the next decade.
The micro-economic benefits of increased commercial biodiesel manufacture are also important. There is often good opportunity to manufacture biodiesel in certain types of existing industrial plants, for example at grain-handling facilities or feed mills. These plants may have the necessary space and equipment for transporting feedstock and therefore, the cost of operating the biodiesel component of the plant is reduced. Keeping overheads low increases the profitability of the produced biodiesel.
Whilst the price of agricultural commodities is at an all time low, the price of petroleum is soaring. Increasing biodiesel production will improve the value of feedstock crops. The United State Department of Agriculture has indicated that if demand for soy-based biodiesel increased at an annual average of 200 million gallons, that crop cash would be boosted by $5.2 billion dollars by 2010. This would means that the average net farm income would increase by $300 million per year and that the price per soybean bushel would increase by 17 cents. This represents significant growth for local agriculturalists.
In addition to being a cleaner, more environmentally friendly fuel source, there are major economic benefits for increasing commercial biodiesel production. For rural America in particular, the advantages of community biodiesel plants are significant.
There may be a Biodiesel Plant on your community. Get familiar with Biodiesel today with free information provided. Joseph Then, the author of the article will help you understand more about Biodiesel Fuel.
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How A Biodiesel Processor Can Save You Money
How A Biodiesel Processor Can Save You Money
By Joseph Then
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is made from renewable resources, burns cleanly, is safe and can be used in any diesel engine vehicle. Biodiesel is being considered the fuel of the future. It has many benefits, but perhaps the biggest is that you can make it in your own home.
You can find a biodiesel processor for use at your home through an online search. There are many different manufacturers that will sell and ship to you a biodiesel processor. With the biodiesel processor you can turn regular vegetable oil into a fuel you can use instead of costly traditional fuels.
The process of making biodiesel involves four steps. These four steps are combined with the use of a biodiesel processor, making the whole process easy. The biodiesel processor will mix the ingredients, store them and even heat the oil. It will also keep everything contained during the separating process and wash the fuel so it is ready for use when the processor is finished. Additionally, the biodiesel processor can store the finished fuel so it is ready whenever you need it.
Biodiesel is a very safe fuel. It is actually safer then your average table salt. The process of making biodiesel is also safe because biodiesel does not involve any harmful ingredients and it does not produce harmful byproducts. However, you still need to keep safety in mind when working with a biodiesel processor because the process does involve heating up oil to high temperatures. Being careful is important to avoid burns.
You should look at your biodiesel processor as an investment. It is going to be rather pricey, usually in the thousands of dollars. However, when you compare that a gallon of biodiesel will cost you 70 cents to the cost of an average gallon of gas, then you will see why this is a wise investment. Making and using your own fuel helps give you control over your money and lets you get rid of the burden of high gas prices.
A biodiesel processor is the key to using one of the safest, cleanest and cheapest fuels available. Imagine being able to make your own biodiesel fuel whenever you need it. Imagine never having to run to the gas station and watch your hard earned dollars slip away. You can with a biodiesel processor. All you need are some simple ingredients and you are well on your way to doing your part in making this country clean and free from the confines of foreign oil.
So, find out more information about how YOU can make biodiesel at home and learn more about biodiesel fuel today.
Visit us at:
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Biodiesel Cars: Worth The Investment Or Not?
What are biodiesel cars?
- It's a car whose fuel you can make at home.
- It's a car that doesn't depend on the high price of gasoline to get you to work.
- It's a vehicle that is cleaner and more efficient than gas or regular diesel.
- It's a car your friends are gonna envy.
Of course, most people won't believe it at first. Then they'll make up all kinds of reasons why biodiesel cars isn't a good idea "for them." Well, THEY HEARD, blah, blah, blah. Well, that's cool. They’re correct, it's not for some people. But if you want to needle them a little, all you have to do is ask them a simple question;
How much do they pay a month for fuel?
Watch the conversation lose steam real quick after that. Or if they are die-hards, remind them of these facts about biodiesel cars...(From the National Renewable Energy Laboratory document “Biodiesel Handling and Use Guidelines”
78.3% reduction in greenhouse gases
55.4% reduction of particulate emissions (black sooty cloud)
56.3% reduction of hydrocarbons
80-90% reduction of mutagenicity (cancer-causing agents)
100% reduction of sulfurs (a major component of acid rain.
Yes, it is entirely possible to eliminate Exxon Mobil from your daily commute. More people are using biodiesel cars everyday. Even more people will in the future. You will need a diesel car (or truck) of course. Many companies make them and more will in the future. Mercedes is one, (Come on, be honest. Wouldn't you really like to have an old Mercedes to tool around town in?) Volkswagen is another. Jeep is also coming out with a new "Liberty" model already modified for biodiesel. With very little modification, (or none) these cars will run better, last longer, and trust me on this, smell a whole lot better.
You can easily brew up a tank over the weekend in the garage with a biodiesel kit, or the home built biodiesel processor you built from the pages on the web site below and cruise around town for the rest of the week in a biodiesel car whose exhaust smells like fresh pop corn! In which case NO CONVERSION is necessary.
So let's go straight to the number one question...
"Is biodiesel conversion for my car/truck possible...?"
If you are thinking about using and/or brewing your own biodiesel, no conversion is necessary. You can run your car or truck on biodiesel no problem, and no conversion needed. "Conversion" refers to running your car/truck on straight vegetable oil (SVO) You got it right, slop some Canola in the tank and go. A lot of people are doing just that.
“How do I convert to biodiesel?”
Converting is a matter of understanding the principles involved, the weaknesses of SVO and planning around them. You need in essence two fuel tanks, one with diesel, one with biodiesel. You start the engine on diesel, then when it is warm, switch over to SVO. The web site below contain plans on how to "do-it-yourself."
"What are the disadvantages to biodiesel conversion?
Like all things in life, there is a downside. For one, depending on where you live, in colder climates warming your engine and/or fuel maybe necessary. For another, if you are using waste vegetable oil there is time involved in filtering the oil, etc. Last, there will be the expense of either installing your own conversion kit, or buying a kit and having a mechanic do it.
For more information on all aspects of biodiesel cars, visit the web site below.
David Sieg is the Managing Director of Global Biotechnology Solutions, an American company based in Vietnam. His expertise is in real world application of alternative fuels and technologies for developing countries. He is also the author of the wildly popular web site where he shares his knowledge freely to enable anyone to become energy independent.
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Are Ethanol And Biodiesel Compatible?
Are Ethanol And Biodiesel Compatible?
By Malc Moore
For you to be able to fully understand the connection between ethanol and biodiesel, you should probably learn about them on a individual basis first, by doing this you should then be able to understand what the connections between these biofuels are. You will probably find that there quite a few similarities between ethanol and biodiesel, therefore both these biofuels should be considered when looking for alternatives to ordinary fuel.
So what is ethanol?
Ethanol is a mildly toxic,flammable and colorless mixture of chemicals with a very noticeable perfume like smell, it is also the same type of alcohol that you will find in your nice cool beer, however, it is simply referred to as alcohol.
Ethanol has been used by humans as far back as when the dinosaurs were on the planet, and even though it has been used for more negative reasons, such as explosives because of its volatile nature, it has also been though of as positive when made into alcohol drinks and other products. Ethanol has also been used as an essence to help illness for many thousands of years, and so this is also recognized as being a positive use.
Another point to consider is, ethanol is the fuel which is at present being considered to replace fossil fuels, this is a very important topic, particularly when we consider that we are in a crazy war with Iraq and this is a country where we get most of our fuel from.
What is biodiesel?
A fuel that is being considered as a replacement for diesel, is biodiesel. This is fuel that is made from crops like corn, oilseed and sugar beet. Both ethanol and biodiesel are mixed with fossil diesel and gasoline in order for older cars to be able to run on it, however some of the newer car designs are able to run on biofuel with just a few small modifications.
Because of consumers lack of understanding with regard to ethanol and biodiesel, they are not convinced that using this fuel is the right way to go as a alternative to fossil fuel. Although it has to be said that this is starting to change in the US and in the world at large.
Ethanol and biodiesel relationship:
There are many important things to question when pondering the relationship of ethanol and biodiesel, one thing for sure though is they seem to be the main two options when looking at creating a cleaner environment. Ethanol is seen as the better option my many people at this time. However, the biodiesel option should be looked at very carefully because it also as many benefits to offer the alternative fuel debate.
Biofuel production is benefiting the US farming community by putting millions of dollars into the industry, therefore this should be taken into account as well. for articles, tips and information about ethanol and biodiesel.
For more information about ethanol and biodiesel go here
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